I can't believe another week has flown by and I've added another 16.6 ascents of Signal Hill into the mix! The tire pulling crew dragged their way up 3.5 times this week and we were joined by Deb Shortall who impressed us all by pulling on the way up and running her way to the bottom–she also helped with logistics by providing us with a few lifts up in her van as well.
My Everest "Advent" calendar started this week on Feb. 19…instead of a pre-Christmas countdown, the $.42 post Noel NHL themed bargain, is helping me mark and celebrate and motivate during the last 32, no 31, no 30, no 29 days until we leave for Nepal. I'm thankful to Michelle and Kellie who provided me with a high quality chocolate substitute for the bargain version that was emerging from each hidden door. Each day, the serotonin released through the ingestion of high quality cocoa solids helps soothe the ragged nerves of a to do list that grows instead of shrinks, the panic that I need to be doing more training not less, and the myriad of other emotions that occur in rapid succession these days.
All kidding aside, I am getting more and more excited to go. The training deposits are in the bank, the gear is being organized into labeled bins, and it will be March 23rd before I know it. People are reaching out to help in both big and small ways.
I'd like to introduce two new sponsors who've come aboard the Everest 2010 Mountain of Learning team. The Newfoundland and Labrador Credit Union, ( is a proud Camp Three sponsor and I appreciate their support. RJG Construction ( is a Camp Four sponsor and they have helped me out tremendously by updating my satellite phone to a much lighter and more advanced version. Known as the "Earth Movers", RJG Construction is helping put a solid financial footing under the expedition with that burden (and my phone burden) feeling much lighter these days.
I am continuing to seek sponsorship so please continue to send leads and suggestions my way. There are also many ways to support my efforts and the expedition. I still need lots of small items like lithium batteries, hand and foot warmers, and trail snacks. I always appreciate having small notes of encouragement to open while on the mountain–you can send these along to my home address (7 Wood Street, St. John's, NL, A1C 3K8). You can make a donation to the Everest 2010 Mountain of Learning Award at Memorial University: URL:
and be sure type Everest 2010 Mountain of Learning Award in the box. You can also post notes in inspiration on the various websites on which you follow my adventures.
I'll post these again closer to the expedition but here are the websites where you can follow me up the mountain.
1) TA's Website: (Updates will be posted here daily)
2) My Everest: http: (Updates will be posted here daily and you can sign up for email notification)
3) TA's Facebook Group: - !/group.php?gid=102972039777 (Updates will be posted here daily and members messaged at regular intervals)
4) TA's Email Group: If you get a weekly email from me now, you will continue to get a digest form of updates from the mountain at regular intervals.
I'm headed off on "Road Trip" out west for the week doing a few presentations and visiting my family and trying to train on the road! Thanks for all the encouragement you'll send along both before and on the expedition–it helps me keep going taking it step by step both on the way to and up the mountain.
Have a good week,
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